There’s been a couple of interesting milestones recently at the Eclipse Foundation. A few weeks ago, the Eclipse Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary and even refreshed its logo. The most interesting part of the anniversary is that Eclipse is more than just a community around an extensible IDE, it’s a place to foster open industry collaboration to develop new open platforms. There are now Working Groups that span industries from automative, to location area technologies to the internet of things.
It’s also great to see Benjamin Cabé join the Eclipse Foundation to grow interest around the technology stack. At the board, I wanted to see the Eclipse Foundation hire another evangelist for many years now, it’s nice to see that finally happen!
Also, related to that, it’s Eclipse Board election time! I have the honor to run again along with a set of great candidates.

You can read my position statement and reach out to me over email or via @cra at anytime if you have questions. I’m proud of what we have accomplished over the last few years and would be honored to continue to represent committers.
If you haven’t received an email with the subject “Eclipse Board Elections 2014” and you’re a committer, reach out to to ensure you have voting privileges. We could always use a greater turn out of committers voting, it takes no more than a few minutes to do and you have a chance to influence the direction of the Eclipse Foundation.
Happy voting!