I was introduced to Fat Bet recently.
I have a couple colleagues participating in a “fat bet” and I’m a bit surprised with their progress. The way it works is you simply wager some money and set weight targets amongst a group of friends. You track the progress of each other online and in the end, the person that reaches their target first will win the most money in the pot. As a bonus, if you’re a spectator to the bet, you get an overview of everyone’s progress via a console…
If you dive deeper, you can see a graph of how close people are to meeting their targets…
So far it seems to be working well. There’s also a comedic bonus of hearing about your colleagues trying to sabotage each other’s fat bet by bringing in donuts and breakfast tacos into the office (human guile at it’s finest).
In the end, I guess an incentive of money tied to people’s pride works well :)?