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Mylyn Reviews Bootstrapped

The ability to do code reviews in Eclipse land is going to become a lot better in the future; it looks like the Mylyn Reviews project is finally bootstrapped at!

I recall meeting Mario Bernhart in Vienna about a year ago at a Eclipse DemoCamp suggesting that they move the ReviewClipse project to to build a developer community and get some more attention. It looks like we are finally at that stage and I hope they consider shipping a incubation release as part of the Indigo simultaneous release. If you’re looking for more information about code reviews, Mario gave a presentation at Agile 2010 recently…

Since the Mylyn Reviews project is new, feel free to take it for a spin if you want to give feedback and help shape the projects future (this is the beauty of open source when getting involved with a project early). On a side note, I’m looking forward to enabling code reviews in Git land through git-notes and Mylyn Reviews.