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EGit and JGit 0.11 Released

The EGit and JGit teams are happy to announce the 0.11 release, just in time for Helios SR2!

You can grab the release from the Eclipse Marketplace or from our repository:

I’m happy to say we accomplished a lot for the 0.11 release which was mainly meant for improving some usability and performance issues (and of course, catching the Helios SR2 date). In JGit (new and noteworthy), additions were made to the porcelain API along with git-notes support. In EGit (new and noteworthy), we focused a lot on improving the performance so people should see improvements from the decoration of resources to the synchronize view. In terms of features, EGit now supports Mylyn integration via the commit dialog and history view. We also now support comparison of trees so you can easily compare projects and folders with the Compare with… action.

If you’re interested in helping us get to 1.0, please try out the code, file bugs and contribute if you have time. If you like what we do, consider starring EGit on the Eclipse Marketplace. We plan to iterate quickly so the next EGit and JGit release is planned for late April with a 1.0 for the Eclipse Indigo release in June.

EclipseCon 2011 Idol Contest

Hey guys, this year at EclipseCon 2011 we’re going to do something new, EclipseCon Idol. It’s a contest where nine EclipseCon attendees will present in Ignite Style a topic that is interesting to them. It can be about Eclipse technology, but it does not have to be. The only requirement is that humor and comedy need to be a key part of your presentation. To see a good ignite-style presentation, check out this one from The Oatmeal

To participate in EclipseCon Idol, please contact for full details. There are only nine spots available. We are looking for humor, so talks like “Why Modeling is taking over the world” will not be accepted. Good examples may include “Why my cats would make great developers”, “Why authoring tech books is like working at McDonalds” and “You too can be arrogant by knowing a useless dated programming language.” I hope you enjoy it, it should definitely be entertaining after some frozen beverages!

As a reminder, it’s the last week for early registration for EclipseCon 2011 – prices go up February 14. After you register, be sure to book your hotel room right away as the hotel is filling up fast and you want to be as close to the Hyatt bar as possible.

Eclipse Indigo IP Deadline

The deadline to get your Contribution Questionnaires (CQ) in for the Eclipse Indigo release is Feburary 11th.

This means that any third party packages that you would like to include in the release train, you need a CQ. Indicate that you need it for Indigo on the CQ and the IP Team will make sure it’s appropriately prioritized. This year’s big Indigo release review will be run from June 1-8, 2011. The IP team will need the review documentation prior to June 1, 2011 and IP logs by May 18, 2011.

Other than that, I’m looking forward to this year’s release train! I’m also looking forward to help naming the next release train… there are so many good options that start with the letter ‘J’ 🙂

EclipseCon 2011 Mobile Apps

We’ll have mobile applications available for people during the EclipseCon 2011 conference this year thanks to the awesome folks at itemis mobile.

I’ve been doing some beta testing recently and things are going well.

My question to all y’all is what type of features would you like to see in the final application? I was thinking of adding some social media aspects to the application involving tweeting the talks you’re about to attend amongst other things. It would also be nice to vote-in-application for sessions you’ve attended, but in the end, we can only do so much to improve the application.

What do you think?

EclipseCon 2011 Logistics

It’s getting closer to EclipseCon 2011 so I thought it would be a good time to talk logistics!

Be sure to register now for the best price; early registration ends on February 14. Also, I recommend that you make your hotel and flight reservations now. The hotel always sells out pretty early and the other options aren’t as convenient in my opinion.
Taxi Shares:

Evangelize your Sessions
There are lots of good sessions this year and so you are in competition with other sessions at times. The solution? Get out there and promote yourself and your talk: in your blog, Twitter, on email lists and so on. There’s no shame in a little advertising!

The conference organizers will be extracting your name, session title, affiliation and so on from the website after February 11 to create the printed program. If you want the printed program to have your name spelled correctly and your efforts attributed to your employer, now is the time to double check all that.

WiFi and Internet Expectations
There is WiFi throughout the convention venue. The WiFi is generally pretty good, but there is only so much bandwidth… I recommend that you don’t give a session that is dependent on the internet… find a way to do everything locally. Otherwise, to quote Murphy’s Law… “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” On a side note, if you absolutely need a reliable Internet connection for your session, email with a serious justification.

Tutorial Presenters
For tutorial presenters, there will be five USB memory sticks for each tutorial to help you distribute the software to your attendees. You need to pick these up at the registration desk and put your own files on them. They are yours to keep. On top of that, there will be student workers to help tutorial presenters this year. If you are giving a tutorial, please be thinking of ways your student can help (distributing USB keys, tell jokes, etc.). Email for more information.

Slide Templates
There are no slide templates… be creative on your own!

I look forward to seeing everyone at the conference. Let me know if you have any questions!

Friends of Eclipse 2011

I was reminded this morning about the Friends of Eclipse program…

So I renewed of course since if you recall, a couple weeks ago I blogged about the expansion of the Friends of Eclipse program. Well I’m happy to say that we have received a few proposals already that we are reviewing…

So don’t be shy… if you want to run a small Eclipse-related event or need some resources, file a proposal!

Register for EclipseCon 2011

The schedule for EclipseCon 2011 is just about finalized now. If you haven’t already registered, I suggest you register soon before the early deadline expires.

I recently did a quick podcast with Lynn Gayowski discussing some EclipseCon 2011 related things. One thing I forgot to mention is that with all the recent announcement and interest in Eclipse Orion, there will be sessions at EclipseCon:

Enjoy and hope to see all y’all at EclipseCon 2011!

Friends of Eclipse Disbursements

Last year, I blogged about the Friends of Eclipse program expansion that the Eclipse Committer Representatives and I pushed through the board.

Well I’m happy to report that the program expansion finally launched (see the wiki for details). Funds can be used to support purchases and activities that benefit (directly or indirectly) the Eclipse community. To request usage of funds, you have to write a proposal and submit it via bugzilla (under Community->FoE Disbursements):

It’s important to note that any allocation is subject to any restrictions defined by the Eclipse Bylaws, and Board Directives. For example, According to the Bylaws (section 11.4), cannot fund member (includes committer member) work or travel expenses. However, it’s possible to fund student work along the lines of the Summer of Code initiative. Some potential funding examples can include:

  • test infrastructure (hardware)
  • cloud computing time
  • software tools
  • student-related activities or events
  • Eclipse-related events (e.g. code camps, project summits)
  • Eclipse-related meetings (e.g., conference room for an Eclipse-related get-together)

So as a concrete example, let’s pretend you were a student at university and wanted to host a Eclipse meetup… you could use the funds for food and frosty beverages. Another example would be if you were an committer lead on a project and you wanted to host a team meeting… a proposal could be written to request funds to help that meeting happen. In the end, use the guiding principle that as long as your proposal benefits the Eclipse community in some fashion and meets the rules, your proposal should be fine.

On the whole, I hope this program benefits the Eclipse community and also entices people to become Friends of Eclipse to support the community. The more friends we have, the more funds we will have for Eclipse community usage.

Register Early for EclipseCon 2011

If you haven’t registered already, let me remind you that EclipseCon is scheduled for March 21-24, 2011 in Santa Clara, CA and attendees that register before December 31, 2010 will qualify for the very early-bird discount price. Also, it’s nice to see some of you studious folks registering already for EclipseCon 2011!

Not convinced yet? Check out this wordle of the accepted proposals!

See you in sunny Santa Clara in late March!

Announcing the EclipseCon / OSGiDevCon 2011 Program

Just in time for the holidays, the EclipseCon 2011 Program Committee is proud to announce the program.

There were 350 submissions and of those, 131 were accepted into the program. There were tough decisions to be made given the caliber of the proposals submitted but I’m confident we chose the best program possible. If you were curious how we made the selections, our main focus was quality of the proposal, relevant technical content and speaker experience. We also paid special attention to proposals that were given at previous EclipseCon’s or Eclipse Summit Europe’s as we had access to attendee voting data to ensure we were accepting quality proposals. Also, to help with the decision making process, we allowed speakers to sell their proposal with two ignite-style audition sessions. Furthermore, I wanted to ensure we had a fresh program this year and although I love y’all, I don’t want to see the same proposals every year. On top of that, we also budgeted a very small set of proposals for relatively new projects which are often underrepresented at EclipseCon.

Also, unlike previous years and as an experiment, I made every program committee member go through each proposal and express their vote and thoughts. In the past, we would generally separate into special interest groups and bring forward our personal picks. While this new process took a bit longer than I like, I believe we got a better program out of it. For those of you who didn’t get any proposals selected, I’m sorry and still hope many of you can join us at EclipseCon.

In the end, I want to thank my fellow program committee members for working close to the holidays to finalize the program before the end of the year.

I hope to see everyone at conference next year!